Inside Apple's iPhone Factory

2024年3月19日—MadeinJapan,TaiwanandKoreabutaremarriedintotheAmericanproduct.ApplehashadsourceditsLCDpanelfromSharp,JapanDisplayandLG ...,ThemanufactureofiPhonemostlytakesplaceinEastandSoutheastAsia,wherethelaborforceischeapandabundant.China,Taiwa...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How iPhone Is Made

2024年3月19日 — Made in Japan, Taiwan and Korea but are married into the American product. Apple has had sourced its LCD panel from Sharp, Japan Display and LG ...

3. The manufacture of the iPhone

The manufacture of iPhone mostly takes place in East and Southeast Asia, where the labor force is cheap and abundant. China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, ...

Why Apple Is Manufacturing The iPhone 15 In India

2023年8月17日 — Apple began manufacturing iPhones in India in 2017, and initially made only older or lower-budget phones. The iPhone 14 marked the first time ...

An iPhone's Journey, From the Factory Floor to the Retail ...

2016年12月29日 — There are 94 production lines at the Zhengzhou manufacturing site, and it takes about 400 steps to assemble the iPhone, including polishing, ...

How iPhone Is Made

To put it in perspective, one production line in China can assemble 72,000 iPhone. 5 back plates daily; one factory can have four to five production lines ...

Visualizing iPhone 15 Production by Manufacturer in 2023

2024年3月10日 — Our list also includes the Taiwanese company Pegatron, responsible for 35% of iPhone 15 Plus and 30% of iPhone 15 Pro manufacturing. In addition ...


2024年3月19日—MadeinJapan,TaiwanandKoreabutaremarriedintotheAmericanproduct.ApplehashadsourceditsLCDpanelfromSharp,JapanDisplayandLG ...,ThemanufactureofiPhonemostlytakesplaceinEastandSoutheastAsia,wherethelaborforceischeapandabundant.China,Taiwan,Thailand,Vietnam, ...,2023年8月17日—ApplebeganmanufacturingiPhonesinIndiain2017,andinitiallymadeonlyolderorlower-budgetphones.TheiPhone14markedthefi...